Mickey mouses kill

I was an intern at nickelodeon studios an i got an lost episode of mikey mose i went home and i watced it but is was spooky. It shoded mcky moose sitting in his chair. Doland duck walked up to him and called him a faggot. Micey stabed him in the face with his katana. Hyper realistic blood flew everywhere. Donald died. Mickey mouse started tea-bagging him and donald's head exploded into hyper realistic blood. Then mickey grabbed his Dragunov SVD sniper rifle and his chainsaw. He then 360 noscoped goofy in his gay face. "Goofy? More like DEADY!!!! Trololololololol" Mickey mouse's bad sense of humor terrified me. I almost turned it off, but if I did, my friends would call me a pussy. Then mickey mouse quickscoped minnie to death. He started saying stupid MLG crap. BUT THEN, hyper-realistic blood started raining out of the sky. Hyper-realistic blood was hyper-realistically going everywhere. Mickey hyper-realistically yelled and hyper-realistically drowned hyper-realistically. The episode ended. Then my Tv exploded. My vhs exploded. The tape exploded. My copy of sonic boom exploded too, fortunately. But then, I a terrifying thought went through my mind. I thought: Man, that's probably gonna take 100,000,000 dollars to repair. I hyper-realistically ran about, flailing my arms around like an airdancer during a hurricane. I ran to the nearest walmart, screeching like a chimpanzee as I ordered a taco with an extra sauce, and I paid with my face. I ran out of the walmart, eating the taco with my eyes, as I ran around spouting random shit. Then Jeff the Killer came to me and asked me to fuck him. I did what any sane person would do and said "Go away you faggy emo". Jeff then started throwing a temper tantrum and I killed him with my dual m60s. Then mickey mouse found me. He had his sniper rifle and aimed at me. He said "u w0t m8" in the Daniel(Uk) voice before noscoping me to death. I then became a spoopy ghost and started throwing explosive potato chips at him. He pulled out a molotov cocktail. I threw a muffin at it. It set mickeh on fire and he died. Then HE became a spoopy ghost. We had a super cool ghost fight and killed everyone in existence. I threw exploding mountain dews at him. He almost killed me but a skeleton popped out and we both died. We went to the place where dead memes go to die, the infernal hell that is Tumblr. I pulled out my minigun and unloaded 420 rounds into mickey's ass. I called upon Kim-Jong-Un to blow up mickey mouse, and he didn't. I offered him a double cheeseburger with extra chicken, with some McNuggets. He gave me all of his nukes and I blew up mickey mouse. I was victorious. I showed off by teabagging mickey mouses dead body. Shrek walked up to me. "Good job, laddeh. The mighty ogrelord is proud of you." He said with his ogrewhelmingly sexy voice. He revived me and everything went back to normal. THE END. Written by Scrubnoob13.
Please don't delete this, Mai Sentry.